This page will be kept to date with this 2017 MGA session's 2nd Amendment related legislation as we become aware of them.
Read the written testimony by MSI's President, Mark Pennak voicing his opposition to HB159 (aka. Campus Carry Bill).
A Letter From the President of MSI
Well, we had an impact, but the City Council is tying itself in legal knots in an effort to have it both ways. I mean, you can’t make this stuff up. It is just bizarre.
Maryland Shall Issue is opposed to the Terrorist Watch List for the same reasons the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is opposed to the Terrorist Watch List, it lacks due process as required under the 5 th and 14 th Amendments to the Constitution. The Terrorist Watch List was created as an investigative tool, and was never intended to provide due process. The government does not disclose to people that they are under investigation.