MSI Position on Utilization of the Terrorist Watch List for Gun Sales

Maryland Shall Issue is opposed to the Terrorist Watch List for the same reasons the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is opposed to the Terrorist Watch List, it lacks due process as required under the 5 th and 14 th Amendments to the Constitution. The Terrorist Watch List was created as an investigative tool, and was never intended to provide due process. The government does not disclose to people that they are under investigation.

Neither irrefutable evidence nor concrete facts are necessary for a person to be included on the Terrorist Watch List. The Terrorist Watch List has no oversight by any court or entity, and is generated by those in the counterterrorism community at their sole discretion. Something as simple as a social media posting or being reported by an “originator” (who can be an ordinary citizen), is enough for inclusion on the Terrorist Watch List. Even the ultra-liberal and virulently anti-gun Huntington Post admits that anyone can end up on the Terrorist Watch List through no fault of their own. The Terrorist Watch List lacks any means for a person to challenge their inclusion on the list, or for a person improperly added to list to facilitate their removal from the list. The Terrorist Watch List is a list of names, not identities. If you have the misfortune to have the same name as a person on the list such as Mickey Hicks (an 8 year old boy), your rights may be inappropriately restricted. The Terrorist Watch List is woefully inaccurate. Nearly 40% of those on the government's terrorist watch list have no affiliation with recognized terrorism groups. Infants, small children, and prominent federal politicians have mistakenly been included on the Terrorist Watch List. Last, you will never know that you are on the Terrorist Watch List until it is too late because the government maintains a general policy to neither confirm nor deny an individual’s watch list status. Imagine if a list could be compiled in secret that would deny people the right to free speech, freedom of assembly, or freedom of religion. The Terrorist Watch List in its current implementation is wholly unsuitable for use as a mechanism by which individuals can have their civil rights suspended without recourse. Until such time as the list can provide: (a) timely due process, (b) a mechanism for removal for those wrongly included, (c) identify individuals and not simply names, (d) shown to be reasonably accurate, and (e) administered with public and judicial oversight, we cannot support its utilization to restrict citizens civil rights.

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August 2023 Legal Update

Novotny v. Moore - Challenge against aspects of SB 1 and current public carry restrictions

Maryland Shall Issue, the Second Amendment Foundation, the Firearms Policy Coalition, and three individuals have challenged SB 1. That bill passed this last Session of the General Assembly places many unconstitutional restrictions on the right to carry with a permit in Maryland. The case is styled Novotny v. Moore and has been consolidated with Kipke v. Moore in federal district court in Baltimore. Kipke was brought by the Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association. Plaintiffs in both cases have filed motions for preliminary injunctions and motions for summary judgment with the aim of stopping enforcement of certain restrictions placed by SB 1 by October 1st, the bill’s effective date. Briefing is ongoing in both cases and then the court will decide whether to hold an oral argument and simply move to the issuance of a decision. The court is not required to decide the case within any set time. We will provide updates of importance as they occur. Find all of the filings in both of these cases HERE.

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