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Testimony on Montgomery County Bill 21-22
Tuesday, July 26, 2022, 01:30pm
Hits : 159
Learn more about Montgomery County Bill 21-22 HERE.
We encourage those who live or work in, travel through, or visit Montgomery County, to testify against Bill 21-22. The hearing is scheduled for 1:30 pm on July 26thClick HERE to sign up to testify in person or remotely via Zoom. You can also call 240-777-7803. You can also provide written or recorded testimony at
Please remember that when you testify, you are not only speaking for yourself but also as an ambassador for the right to keep and bear arms. Here are some tips:
  • Remember that whether you like it or not, you're an ambassador for the supporters of the 2nd Amendment and self-defense rights supporters sitting behind you and the rest of us. Disparaging remarks might feel good, but they don't help. Do everyone proud!
  • Briefly introduce yourself and where you're from.
  • Respectfully speak your mind.
  • Drive home how the bill personally affects you.
  • Use your personal experiences and expertise to advocate from positions of strength. 
  • Avoid unnecessary redundancy. Make or further a point that has not been stated yet by someone else.
  • Be sincere and concise. You will probably have only two minutes to speak.
  • Dress and present yourself appropriately.
  • Always remain civil.

This is very much like live TV, so dress accordingly, and pay attention to your background if speaking virtually. Committee members may ask questions of you, so be ready to think on your feet.

Category: Council and Committee Meetings, Government
Area: All
Contact Name: Council Public Hearing Office
Contact Phone: 240-777-7803
Contact Email:

Council Agenda for this public hearing is available here:

Latest News

August 2023 Legal Update

Novotny v. Moore - Challenge against aspects of SB 1 and current public carry restrictions

Maryland Shall Issue, the Second Amendment Foundation, the Firearms Policy Coalition, and three individuals have challenged SB 1. That bill passed this last Session of the General Assembly places many unconstitutional restrictions on the right to carry with a permit in Maryland. The case is styled Novotny v. Moore and has been consolidated with Kipke v. Moore in federal district court in Baltimore. Kipke was brought by the Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association. Plaintiffs in both cases have filed motions for preliminary injunctions and motions for summary judgment with the aim of stopping enforcement of certain restrictions placed by SB 1 by October 1st, the bill’s effective date. Briefing is ongoing in both cases and then the court will decide whether to hold an oral argument and simply move to the issuance of a decision. The court is not required to decide the case within any set time. We will provide updates of importance as they occur. Find all of the filings in both of these cases HERE.

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Maryland Shall Issue®, Inc.
9613 Harford Rd
Ste C #1015
Baltimore, MD 21234-2150

Phone:  410-849-9197

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