Amicus Brief filed by Maryland Shall Issue, INC.
Case No. 20-1107 - In The United States Court of Appeals
MSI testimony in opposition to Hb 302 on private schools
The bill (as well as its cross-filed bill HB4) would add a wholly new set of restrictions on temporary and
This bill would amend MD Code, Public Safety, § 5-306(b)(6)(ii) to specify that “self- protection,” or
Under MD Code Public Safety 5-117.1(c), [a] person may purchase, rent, or receive a handgun only if the person” obtains a Handgun Qualification License” (HQL).
...With the recent changes in Maryland law concerning medical marijuana, see MD Code, Health - General, § 13-3304 et seq., and the push to legalize the use of marijuana
...In opposition to the studying the feasibility of "firearms telematics."
2020 General Assembly Testimony on SB 55 the Tax Checkoff bill for buying so called assault weapons
2020 General Assembly Testimony on SB 55 the Tax Checkoff bill for buying so called assault weapons
MSI Testimony on SB 39: This Bill would ban the Anderson AM-15 rifles in .223 and .330 BLK calibers
MSI Testimony in opposition to HB4
Maryland Shall Issue, Inc. v. Hogan, No. 18-2474 (4th Cir.)
RTFA Litigation - 28(j) letter in light of
The Act as introduced before the Baltimore County Council on 12/16/19. You can see that meeting ...
The State's reply in Whalen v Handgun Permit Review Board.
Listen to the presentation HERE
An examination of deaths by shooting, assaults with firearms, and
...HQL Suit - Reply Brief of Appellants in the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
New Announcement for Restrictions Policy for Business Owners
Letter to Fourth Circuit advising the Court of the Supreme Court's decision in the census case on standing
Brief filed by the National Shooting Sports Foundation in support of MSI and Atlantic Guns's suit against Maryland's Handgun Qualification License.
Brief filed by the National Rifle Association and Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association in support of MSI and Atlantic Guns's lawsuit against Maryland's Handgun Qualification
From the Second Amendment Foundation: "The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear